Standing Rules of the Chicago Metropolitan Ski Council

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Ratified March 9, 1993
Amended June11, 1996
Amended May 11, 1999
Amended October 12, 1999
Amended January 9, 2001
Amended June 12, 2001
Amended April 27, 2010
Amended January 22, 2013
Amended July 14, 2020


1.  The rules contained In Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of business when such conduct is not otherwise provided for either in the Constitution of the Chicago Metropolitan Ski Council (CMSC) or In these Standing Rules.

2.  For the purposes of registration as a corporation of the Slate of Illinois. the address shall be as most recently designated by a sitting President and approved by the Executive Board. The address in effect at any time will remain so until changed by the President and the Executive Board; the address currently in effect is:

cio Bob Meyer
1307 Old Timber Lane
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192L



1.  All members of the CMSC shall be required to sign an agreement to support its mission and uphold its constitution, Including the sections of the constitution on exculpability and indemnification. Members shall also be required to pay annual dues in the following amounts by July 1 of each year:

Club Member $40.00
Individual Member (member of CMSC club) $25.00
Individual Member (not member of a CMSC club) $25.00
Individual Member In a 100% CMSC club $05.00
Individual Life Member $00.00
Associate Member $75.00
Competition Member TBD by Executive Board
Ski Council Member $00.00

Increases In dues for the year beginning July 1,1996, will begin June 12, 1996. Persons of' organizations joining for the 1996-97 year who pay dues prior to June 12, 1996, will be eligible to join at 1995-06 rates.

     a) The Vice President-Membership will be responsible for sending out dues notices to all current members in May of each year. It will, however, remain the responsibility of the Club Individual or Associate Member to pay dues with or without notice.

      b)  Any Individual or Associate Member who tails to make dues payment by August 1 will be considered in arrears and membership will be considered canceled.

      c) Any member club which fails to make dues payments by September 1 shall be considered in arrears and shall be disqualified from voting and may not participate in other CMSC activities until such payment is made.  Clubs must have paid dues by the annual magazine of the CMSC (formerly known as the Midwest Skier) deadline (which may be earlier than September 1) in order to be listed in the annual magazine of the CMSC (formerly known as the Midwest Skier) for that year.

      d)  Any member club that falls to make just and due payments to the CMSC for any obligation within one year of the date of the obligation shall be automatically suspended for one year and will have to re-apply for membership as described in Article VIII of the Constitution.

2.  Club Membership

    a)  Ski clubs that meet the requirements in the Constitution may apply for club membership through the Vice President-Membership. The following definitions will apply to the terms in the Constitution:

           1)  Active ski club implies that the organization operates within a structure defined by a constitution, bylaws, or some type or standing rules, and minimally runs at least one ski trip per year for its members. This trip can be operated through another ski organization, such as CMSC or USSA.

           2)  Nonprofit means that the assets of the club will not accrue to the benefit of any individual or for-profit entity through ownership, and that net revenues from dues or other activities are either used to fulfill its purpose (which must be defined In Its governing documents and consistent with the purpose and mission of CMSC) or kept segregated from any individual's private funds until they can be used for that purpose. The governing documents must state how assets will be disposed of upon dissolution.

           3)  Bona fide dues paving members are members who pay a specific amount of money at a regular interval (no more than two years) to belong to the club. If the club is operated as an employee benefit of a for-profit organization, dues may be considered paid by the employer’s subsidi2alion of the club. Dues payment (amount, interval, when payable) must also be defined In the club's governing documents.

           4)  The capacity to enter legally binding contracts or a sponsor who will be responsible for it means that the organization Is a legal “person”, i.e., that It has sufficient structure to obtain a Social Security or Federal Employers Identification Number and to open a checking account, or that it operates under the auspices of a person or organization that does have such structure..

      b)  The Vice President-Membership Is responsible for collecting Information needed to evaluate a club for CMSC membership. A prospective club shall submit a CMSC application for club membership, initiation fees of not less than ten dollars ($10) and first year’s dues and the following information: Date of organization, list of officers and committees, statement of bona fide membership, financial status, constitution and/or bylaws, previous year’s activities and planned activities for the next six months.

           1)  This information shall be presented to the Executive Board at its next meeting for approval by a majority of Executive Board members present and voting.

           2)  Upon approval at an Executive Board meeting, the President will place the club's application on the published agenda of the next Regular Assembly Meeting and invite a representative of the club to appear at that meeting.

           3)  The information described above shall be presented to the General Assembly for discussion and questions from the floor for the club's representative(s), if present. The representative(s) will then be escorted from the room. The President shall call for further discussion or questions and a vote. Approval by a simple majority of the delegates present will be required for acceptance.

3.  Individual Membership

      a)   Upon signing the agreements and paying dues as described In Section I of this article, any individual who meets the requirements of the constitution may become an individual member of CMSC. Individual membership will, however, be limited to three years for any person who is not a member of a CMSC club unless the member is an owner or a staff member of a CMSC Associate Member To demonstrate membership in a club, an individual must either have participated in a CMSC activity as a member of that club during the prior twelve months or show a receipt for membership signed by an officer or the membership chairperson of the club dated within the prior twelve months. For persons who have been members of CMSC during the year ending 6/30/96, the three year will begin with their first year of membership beginning 7/1/96 or later.

     b)  Member ski clubs that sign up one hundred per cent (100%) of their membership who are eligible as individual members of CMSC shall receive a filly percent (50%) discount on each member. The member club shall assume the responsibility of collecting membership dues, providing the necessary documentation, and distributing CMSC information (including the annual magazine of the CMSC (formerly known as the Midwest Skier)) to its members.

     c)  Member Clubs that are multi-purpose in character shall receive fifty percent (50%) discount 00 each member if they sign up one hundred percent (100%) of their membership who actively engage in the skiing functions of the club. Active engagement shall be defined as participation in one ski trip per year sponsored by the club. The member club shall assume the responsibility of collecting membership dues, providing the necessary documentation and distributing CMSC information (Including the annual magazine of the CMSC (formerly known as the Midwest Skier)) to its members.

4.  Individual Life Membership

      a)  The retiring CMSC President shall be presented with a life membership within sixty days of his/her retirement.

      b)  The President of CMSC may also award one other life membership during each term in office to someone who has made substantial contributions to CMSC by which their nature and significance reflect effort beyond usual and normal contributions.

      c)  Presidents who served prior to adoption of this section shall be eligible for its provisions.

5.  Associate Membership

Upon signing the agreements and paying dues as described in Section 1 of this article, any individual or organization who meets the requirements of the Constitution may become an Associate member.

6.  Ski Council Membership:

      a)  Upon signing the agreements as described in Section 1 of this article. any Ski Council that meets the requirements of the Constitution may become a Ski Council member.

      b)  The Vice President-Membership is responsible for collecting information needed for the Executive Board to evaluate a Ski Council for CMSC membership.

1.  The Assembly

     a)  Club Presidents shall provide an updated list of the Officers and Delegates of their clubs by September 1 of each year. If clubs are otherwise in good standing, their prior year's delegates and alternates shall retain their positions until new lists are received. All changes in CMSC records concerning Officers and Delegates must be submitted in writing by the Club President.

     b)  Club Presidents and Delegates and CMSC Officers, Vice Presidents, and Committee Chairpersons are responsible for reporting their presence to the Credentials Chair at any General Assembly meeting for the purposes of establishing a quorum, conducting business, and earning club participation points.

2.  Elected Officers

      a)  The President, as chief executive officer of CMSC, is responsible to the General Assembly for its efficient operation and for fulfilling its purposes and mission. They chair all meetings of the Assembly and the Executive Board and directly or indirectly supervises the activities of ail Officers, Vice Presidents, and Committees. The President is the official representative of CMSC to other organizations, Ski related businesses, public information media, and the public.

      b)  The Executive Vice President fulfills the duties of President in the President's absence or incapacitation. They supervise Regional Vice Presidents and other appointed Vice Presidents as directed by the President.

      c)  The Treasurer shall be responsible for all matters of a financial nature and shall assure fulfillment of all monetary obligations and transactions. They shall keep a complete ledger on all assets, liabilities, fund balances, and operating revenues and expenses, and alt records and supporting documents of contracts and financial transactions. They shall present a tentative budget to the Executive Board by its September meeting, and financial statements and other records to the Finance/Audit Committee, governmental agencies, and Independent auditors as required. The Treasurer shall be responsible for fling tax returns and other documents required to protect the legal status of CMSC.

     d)  The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in his/her responsibilities and shall receive and maintain records of all incoming monies. They will also provide information to the Finance/Audit Committee and independent auditors as required.

      e)  The Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and the Assembly and provide copies to the President. The Secretary shall maintain the official records of CMSC (except those maintained by the Treasurer), and be prepared to distribute them either as directed by the President or as required to fulfill legal obligations. The Secretary shall effect correspondence with outside persons and organizations as necessary or appropriate, maintain mailing lists required by officers and committees, distribute notices, minutes and other official records, and maintain files of all correspondence,

3.  Appointed Vice Presidents (except as noted, appointed Vice Presidents will report to the President, or at his/her discretion, another elected officer)

      a)  The Vice President-Membership will be responsible for processing applications, verifying credentials, and maintaining attendance records for Associate, Individual, Individual Life, and Club Membership, and will appoint and supervise activities of standing committees for each of these membership Classifications, and any ad hoc committees required to fulfill these responsibilities. They will also be responsible for sending dues notices and collecting dues from Associate, Individual, and Club members.

      b)  The Vice President-Recreational Skiing will be responsible for organizing competitive and educational ski activities and for liaison with organizations who are not members of CMSC but whose goals are consistent with its mission. They will appoint and supervise the activities of Standing Committees for Alpine Racing, Nordic Programs, and Ski Education, and any ad hoc committees required to fulfill these responsibilities, and will appoint and supervise liaisons to other significant organizations.

     c)  The Vice President-Special Events will be responsible for overseeing non-skiing activities and events and awards presentations for overall club participation and competition that are not supervised by other committees. They will appoint and supervise the activities of standing committees for the Seminar, the Annual Picnic, the Chicago Ski Show, and awards, and any ad hoc committees required to fulfill these responsibilities.
      d)  The Vice President-Trips will be responsible for organizing council ski trips, collecting bids on costs and conditions from ski areas, airlines, tour operators, and other vendors, and presenting this information to the Executive Board for Its approval. They will appoint and supervise the activities of standing committees for Chicago Week, CMSC Carnival, a European trip, and USSA Week, and any ad hoc committees required to fulfill these responsibilities,

      e)  The Vice President-Public Relations will be responsible for public communications, advertising, and marketing, for publishing and disseminating club trip information, and maintaining a history of CMSC activities. They will appoint and supervise the activities of Standing Committees for the annual magazine of the CMSC (formerly known as the Midwest Skier), Advertising, Publicity, Trip Referral, and Council History, and Webmaster and any ad hoc committees required to fulfill these responsibilities.

      f)  Regional Vice Presidents will report to the Executive Vice President and will be responsible for maintaining CMSC's relationship with Its member clubs. Each Regional Vice President will be assigned eight member clubs. Regional Vice Presidents will be responsible for collecting Officer and Delegate lists and for reporting significant changes in the leadership of the clubs they oversee to the Executive Board and the General Assembly. They will visit or contact each of their clubs regularly and keep them informed of CMSC activities and other useful information received by CMSC about skiing and related subjects. They will report regularly to the Executive Board and the General Assembly concerning their clubs’ activities, attitudes, problems and needs.

4.  Committees

      a)  The Steering Committee shall be responsible for reporting to the President, the Executive Board, and the General Assembly the long range needs of CMSC, and to recommend actions and programs that will fulfill its mission and purposes, but shall not itself serve as a committee to conduct programs or functions.

      b)  The Finance/Audit Committee shall be responsible for performing quarterly audits of CMSC financial records and activities and reporting its findings to the President, Executive Board, and General Assembly. This committee shall also make recommendations on any matter relating to the financial operation of CMSC, and may require specific procedures and reports from any CMSC Officer, Vice President, or Committee to assure that financial and accounting controls will adequately protect the integrity and assets of CMSC.

      c).  The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for identifying appropriately qualified individuals to run for elected office in CMSC. The President will appoint a convening chairperson who will convene this committee no later than February 15 of each year. The Nominating Committee will consider prospective candidates in terms of constitutional requirements for each office, the candidates' abilities, record of service in their clubs and/or CMSC, willingness to serve, and other appropriate factors, and present its recommendations to the Assembly as described in the Constitution. At the two Regular Assembly Meetings prior to the election meeting, the President shall yield the gavel to the Nominating Committee Chairperson who will take nominations from the floor in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. Acceptance of nominations must be provided to the Nominating Committee chairperson in person or in writing no later than one week prior to the Regular Assembly Meeting at which elections are held,

      d)  Standing Committees will be established by appointed Vice Presidents as described in Article III, Section 3 of these Standing Rules. Vice Presidents may appoint chairpersons to these committees or chair them themselves. Chairpersons must be presented to the Executive Board no later than its second meeting after elections.

      e)  Ad hoc committees may be established by any elected officer or appointed Vice President to assist in fulfilling their responsibilities. Committee chairpersons must be presented to the Executive Board at its first regular meeting following creation of the committee,

      f)  Subcommittee chairpersons need not be presented to the Executive Board for approval, and may be removed at any time by the President or the Officer or Vice President in charge of the committee.
1.  General Meetings

     a)  Notice of Regular Assembly Meetings, including the date, time, place, and agenda, shall be mailed to member club Presidents and Delegates, and CMSC officers, appointed Vice Presidents, and standing Committee chairpersons at least one week prior to the meeting. Special meetings will require a€ least two weeks’ notice.

      b)  Regular Assembly Meetings will be held at a location determined by the Executive Board within twenty-five miles of Slate Street and Madison Avenue in Chicago, at 8:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month. The President may reschedule meetings for good cause and with proper notice to Club Presidents and Delegates.

      c)  Minutes of each Regular Assembly Meeting should be mailed with notice of the subsequent meeting, and must be distributed no later than the Reading of the Minutes at the next Regular Assembly Meeting.

      d)  The order of Regular Assembly Meetings will be as follows: Call to Order, Reading of the Minutes, Secretary’s Report, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers' Reports, Executive Vice President's Report, Regional Vice Presidents' Reports, Appointed Vice Presidents' Reports, Other Committee Reports, Old Business, New Business, Announcements, and Adjournment. Constitutional amendments may be presented under New Business, then discussed and voted upon under Old Business at the first subsequent meeting at which the Vice President-Membership reports that a quorum is present. Officers and Vice Presidents who are absent must make every effort to provide their report through a responsible individual who has been identified to the President prior to the meeting.

2.  Executive Board

      a)  A schedule of Executive Board meetings for the following twelve (12) months will be published in June of each year. Notice of changes to that schedule must be provided to the Executive Board members and Standing Committee Chair persons at least one week prior to any rescheduled or special meeting. The President may convene an emergency Executive Board meeting before or after a regular General Assembly meeting, provided a quorum of Executive Board members is available.

      b)  The President determines the order of business at Executive Board meetings.

      c)  Minutes of Executive Board meetings will be distributed to all Board members and Standing Committee Chairpersons, and will be made available upon request to Club Presidents, Delegates, and ad hoc committee chairpersons.

      d)  Attendance at Executive Board meetings is limited to Executive Board members and duly appointed chairpersons or their designees. Others may attend only with the approval of the President.

3.  Annual Meeting

      a)  The Regular Assembly Meeting in May will be designated the Annual Meeting of the corporation. Individual and Associate Members shall also be sent notice of this meeting, such notice to be postmarked at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

      b)  The order of business of the Annual Meeting shall be the same as regular General Assembly meetings, except that elections for officers shall be held as the first order of new business.

4.  Meetings Held Electronically

    a.)   Except as otherwise provided in these Standing Rules, meetings of the Board, Executive Board, and Assembly may be conducted through use of Internet meeting services designated by the President that support voting and visible displays showing (or permitting the retrieval of) the text of pending motions.  The presence of a quorum shall be established by roll call prior to voting on any issues brought before the appropriate body.  If a previously distributed motion is amended on the floor, the Secretary shall insert the amendment (or cause it to be inserted) into the motion and immediately email it to all those in attendance at the meeting.  Voting on the amended motion may not take place until all meeting participants have verified their receipt of the amended motion.  All votes shall be taken by roll call.  All results of votes (the number of votes on each side and the number of members present but not voting)  will be tabulated by the Secretary and announced at the end of the voting, as well as being published in the minutes, which will be distributed to all Board, Executive Board, and/or Assembly members as soon as practicable and as specified in the Constitution and Standing Rules.  These electronic meetings of the Board, Executive Board, and/or Assembly shall be subject to all rules adopted by the Board and/or CMSC, to govern them.  Any such rules adopted by the Board shall supersede any conflicting rules in the parliamentary authority, but may not otherwise conflict with or alter any rule or decision of CMSC.  A vote conducted through the designated Internet meeting service shall be deemed a ballot vote, fulfilling any requirement in the Constitution, Standing Rules or rules that a vote be conducted by ballot.

    b.)  Except as otherwise provided in these Standing Rules, meetings of the Board, Executive Board, and Assembly may also be conducted by telephone, provided however, that no amendments to a previously distributed motion shall be allowed unless the amendment to the motion procedure listed in par(a) hereto can be followed.

    c)  Assembly Meetings held electronically shall not be subject to the twenty-five mile geographical requirement listed in Article IV: MEETINGS, §1, par(b).


1)  Officers of CMSC and others authorized by them shall be eligible for reimbursement for expenses incurred white conducting business for CMSC, provided the Executive Board shall have been given an estimate of the expense to be incurred and that all expenditures are supported by receipts prior to reimbursement.

2)  Expenses for driving a personal car shall be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate per mile allowed by the Internal Revenue Service, such rate to be set by the Executive Board and reviewed annually,

3)  Cash advances may, at the discretion of the Treasurer and/or President, be provided to Officers, appointed Vice Presidents, and Standing Committee Chairpersons when expected cash outlays exceed $100. Receipts for previous advances must be submitted to the Treasurer before additional advances are made.

4)  All revenues and receipts for CMSC activities must be submitted to the Assistant Treasurer for deposit. Cash expenditures may not be netted out of receipts prior to deposit,

5)  An independent audit will be performed annually by a certified public accountant (“CPA”) chosen by the Finance and Audit Committee and approved by the Executive Board. The Treasurer for the year audited will be responsible for providing records and other required information and certifications to the CPA. The Finance and Audit Committee Chairperson should receive a preliminary auditor's report within ninety (90) days of the end of the fiscal year, and present an audited financial statement, including a Revenue and Expense Report, Balance Sheet, an Auditors Opinion, and relevant notes to the General Assembly at its October meeting.

6)  The President, Executive Vice President, and Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks and assume financial obligations on behalf of CMSC. The President may delegate specific authorizations to other persons as required for the orderly transaction of CMSC business.

7)  The fiscal year of CMSC shall run from July 1 to June 30.

8)  The President shall make every effort to obtain comprehensive crime insurance covering theft and embezzlement by any employee or volunteer handling CMSC funds. At a minimum the President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer shall be bonded or covered by crime insurance. The Executive Board shall be informed of the type and amount of insurance obtained.

9)  The President shall also obtain property insurance for equipment or fixed assets of CMSC valued at more than $500, and shall attempt to obtain liability insurance for any activities of CMSC that carry significant exposure to financial or physical risk. The Executive Board shall be informed of the type and amount of insurance obtained.


1)   Master Copy of the Constitution, Standing Rules, and all addenda thereto shall be maintained by the President and Treasurer, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State of Illinois. It shall be the duly of these officers to fully maintain and protect these documents and provide for their availability.

2)   CMSC membership and participant information shall not be released to persons outside of CMSC except as required by ski areas, airlines, and other providers to complete arrangements for CMSC trips and activities.

3)  CMSC representatives shall not be given, nor shall they use, mailing lists and other unpublished club and personal information for purposes other than CMSC business. Candidates for elected office may obtain addresses of club delegates and alternate delegates for the purpose of informing them of the candidate's qualifications and/or platform. No more than one mailing per candidate shall be allowed.

4)   The Vice President-Public Relations shall obtain appropriate releases for personal and club information and photographs published in the annual magazine of the CMSC (formerly known as the Midwest Skier) or any other CMSC publication or news release.

5)   CMSC officers and representatives shall be responsible for maintaining records concerning their activities and financial transactions and for forwarding their records to the appointed Vice President or officer to whom they report. Appointed Vice Presidents and officers shall be required to submit accurate statements of revenue and expense to the Treasurer for activities and committees they oversee, and for providing appropriate information on activities and procedures to their successors.

6)   The Steering Committee shall maintain all job descriptions and procedure manuals pertaining to the Executive Board, CMSC officers, appointed Vice Presidents, standing committees, and the General Assembly.

7)   Each CMSC trip shall have an availability date prior to which no reservations will be accepted. The destination of the trip and the availability date, as well as general procedures for procuring space on it, will be announced at a Regular Assembly Meeting prior to the availability date.