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Message from the President               Michael Thomas

                                                       CMSC MEMBERS

                                                       SUPPORT GOOD CAUSES

                                                           ays are starting to get shorter and nights cooler. That must mean
                                                       Dthat it is time to get ready to hit the slopes. The Chicago Metropolitan
                                                       Ski Council and its member clubs have spent the summer planning great
                                                       trips for this winter. But that isn’t all we do to support winter sports.

                                                         American Blind Skiing Foundation held a very successful fundraising
                                                       event this June. They put on a pig roast and dance. Many ski club
                                                       members and friends attended and had several ways to help support
                                                       ABSF. There were silent auctions and raffles that both local businesses
                                                       and industry partners generously donated to. You could also adopt a
                                                       skier and as always there was a split-the-pot.

                                                         SouthEastern Wisconsin Adaptive Ski Program asked for help when
                                                       they needed to replace a worn out monoski for use in their lessons. The
                                                       CMSC challenged clubs and their members to match up to $2,000 and
                                                       were pleasantly surprised to find that as of September $2,400 was
                                                       donated so SEWASP can not only purchase the new monoski, but also
                                                       extra outriggers.

                                                         Another program we like to support is the Norge Ski Training
                                                       Program, which is part of Norge Ski Club. They have members on the
                                                       new Fly Girls developmental team for women’s ski jumping. There are
                                                       also several on the Junior National Team and Men’s National Team.
                                                       Some of the ways they finance the program are raffles, wine dinners
                                                       and tournaments. This October was their 30th Autumn Ski Jump and in
     THANK YOU TO OUR                                  January they will hold their 111th annual Winter Ski Jump.
                                                         Please visit these websites for more information and updates:
        Arapahoe Basin Ski Area..........19
        Aspen Snowmass.......................29
        Aspen Square                                     •
        Condominium Hotel....................8
        Boyne USA...............................29       Michael Thomas, President
                                                         Chicago Metropolitan Ski Council
        Breckenridge Ski Resort ...........32
        Mammoth Mountain....................9

        Mountain Lodge Telluride..........31
        Nub's Nob..................................23

        Ski Banff...................................23
        Telluride Ski Resort...................21
        Vail Racquet Club........................9
      Richard Halman  Vail Resorts.................................2

        Whitefish Mountain Resort ..........5

      4 ❖ SKI & RIDE CLUB GUIDE                                                 2015/2016  WINTER PREVIEW  ❖
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